Thursday, July 16, 2009

4. News letter July 2009

July 2009

To all Prayer Partners, Donors and Friends:

Since we have decided to buy our own property, things have been exploding. It always reminds me of Peter who had to get out of the boat before he could walk on the water. And that is what we did! Like one of the most famous sport brands, NIKE, we find that their slogan is “Just Do It.” After careful study and review, we stepped out of our comfort zone and purchased a piece of land close to the Blantyre airport.

In 1 John 5:4 The Word says: “For everything that has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith.”

Now the word Nike in the Strong’s Dictionary means VICTORY…. Isn’t that great! We are victorious even in our faith. We are convinced that Abba Father is going to start blessing us and we are ready to receive, so our prayer of thanksgiving is to thank Our Father for He is a Good Daddy.

Buying the property started with a dream a year ago when Godknows and I decided that we needed our own building. And we were looking specifically at the airport area. This was short lived because of funding, but in January our friend Heather donated US$750 in memory of her nephew Lee who died at the age of 5 in a car accident. Lee was known for his love of animals, music and people and was a very caring little boy. He would be very proud to be remembered in this way. Thanks Heather for helping us.

We are experiencing the coldest winter in a long time, and with this received blankets from an anonymous business man and Birqitt Whyte (Rennies Travel). On July 2nd, we received a bail of blankets from the friends of Angy Clow after she sent an e-mail to her friends asking for some donations.

Above is the children with child evangilist JJ.
Angy was spending time in the Word when James 1:27 spoke to her: Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit orphans and widows in their afflictions, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

We also have pen pals in Jacksonville, Florida. Thanks to Tish Hubbard, the art classes at Pine Forest Elementary School sent us an envelope full of letters from the children. Shortly afterward, we received a parcel filled with kites for each child. These kites were assembled almost immediately, and boy o boy…did the STEKA kids have fun!

I am very excited about August; my next cycle trip to South Africa will start then. My plan is to cycle the 3000km or (1864 miles) in 30 days, from Blantyre - Malawi to Pretoria - South Africa. All my friends can keep track of me on my blogger, or on Facebook, Felix Starker.

Thanks for all the thoughts, gifts and friendship. God bless you all.

From Felix Starker and all the children at Father's House

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